Meanwood, Chamba Valley, Lsk, Zambia
Mon - Fri : 09.00 AM - 20.30 PM
+260 977 220 264
Affordable Education
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Unmatched Excellence!
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From Tailoring to Event Management, Meat Processing to Baking
About Us

Excellence Through Efficient Training and Development

Think Tank Training Centre is a Zambian-owned institute established in 2024. We provide skills development, technical, and business training to institutions, communities, and individuals, contributing to the government's agenda and empowering people to combat poverty

Fully Licensed
Online Tracking
Afordable Fees
Best Trainers
What We Offer

Our Courses Build Specialized Skills

Main Courses

Business Admin, HR, Electrical Engineering, Refrigeration and Air conditioning and Automotive Mechanics

Short Courses

Tailoring, Arts & Crafts, Catering, Baking, Interior decoration, Events management and decoration, Meat processing and more

Advanced Courses

Coming soon

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